92nd Annual General Meeting of the Nova Scotia Association of Architects

Register now for the 92nd Annual General Meeting of the Nova Scotia Association of Architects by clicking the image above, or by clicking here, by Monday, May 27th, 2024.

Please note that the AGM is an in-person only event.

Date: Monday, June 3, 2024
Time: 12:45 pm to 3:45 pm
Location: Windsor Room, Prince George Hotel, 1725 Market Street, Halifax, NS

2024/2025 Council Vacancies

  • 1 President, 2-year term
  • 3 Council members, 2-year term

As per Bylaw 4.6 (c), any member of the Association who seeks one of the vacancies can forward the attached nomination paper to the Nominating Committee Chair, Current Past President Jim Marriott (jim.marriott@eastpoint.ca). The other members of the Nominating Committee are Past President Spyro Trifos and Marianne Abboud.

As per Bylaw 4.4, the Nominating Committee will also bring forth a name of a Public Representative to Council for appointment to begin a two-year term (2024 to 2026) as Public Representative effective June 3, 2024.

The Nominating Committee will release the slate of candidates by May 10, 2024.

Please note that attendance at the 92nd AGM is eligible for 2 Core Hours—sign-in attendance is required.

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